The PURCHASER/USER hereby agrees to the following conditions, which shall constitute the terms of this non-exclusive license:
1. CREDIT: The back of each print, CD-ROM, DVD, Internet page, photocopy, etc. must indicate that the photograph/photocopy is from the collection of the Onondaga Historical Association (OHA), 321 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, NY, 13202. Any public display or publication of any photographed/reproduced/photocopied items must provide similar written credit.
2. ONE TIME USE: Permission to use the photograph(s)/reproduction(s)/photocopy(ies) is for one time use only. As indicated above, any subsequent use of a photograph/reproduction/photocopy without prior written permission of the OHA is prohibited. All other rights, including those of further publication, are reserved in full by the Onondaga Historical Association.
3. SUBCONTRACTS: All subcontracts regarding the photographing of the OHA collection items or reproduction of images or photocopying of items from OHA collections pursuant to this non-exclusive license shall incorporate this agreement and all of its terms shall be applicable. No subcontracts may be entered into for the purpose of photographing/reproducing/photocopying items without the express written permission of OHA.
4. COPY TO THE LIBRARY: One copy of any photographic negative or print, publication, brochure, advertisement, video, CD-ROM, DVD, etc. using photographs/reproduction(s)/photocopy(ies) made from OHA’s collections shall be given gratis to OHA, if requested.
5. COSTS and USE FEES: Payment of the applicable costs and associated use fees will be paid before photographs/photocopies will be released by the OHA.
Please note: The OHA reserves the right to refuse any photography / reproduction / photocopy request if it is determined it is not in the best interest of OHA and/or the preservation of its collections.